Political Visual Literacy

Political Visual Literacy

Welcome to the Political Visual Literacy project! We are building a tool for photographers and journalists to help them more easily identify political symbols while working in the field. For more information on the goals of this project and how it came about, hear Nina Berman's story.

Political Visual Literacy APP

We eventually aim to be able to identify political symbols of any form (on tattoos, t-shirts, hats, etc.). Here we present a subset of the overall system with 2 features,

Flag Detection Recognition

Automatically detect and recognize the flags in the photo.

Symbol Recognition

With manually labelled areas containing symbol to recognize, the APP helps identify the symbol.

Demo in NYCML’19

Team Membors

Ishaan Jhaveri

Senior Research Fellow, Columbia University (Primary Contact)

Nina Berman

Associate Professor, Columbia University

Shih-Fu Chang

Professor, Columbia University

Svebor Karaman

Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University

Susan McGregor

Assistant Professor, Columbia University

Xu Zhang

Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Columbia University

© 2019 Political Visual Literacy

We thank all the photographers that contribute to the project.

We thank Jalpc for the jekyll template